Things You Should Know Before Choosing Plastic Injection Moulding Services

2019-01-23 12:55:22

Injection moulding is widely used manufacturing process for producing parts using a wide range of materials including the most common one: plastic. From a wire spools, packaging bottle caps, automotive parts & components, toys, pocket combs, some musical instruments, small tables and chairs to a large number of plastic products. 

Why to Use Injection Molding

Injection molding is a breakthrough in industrial production. One of the greatest benefits of injection molding is the ability of mass production as well as produce in small quantity. The price also tends to go down as more parts are produced. 

Here are some other advantages of injection moulding:

  • Low waste material: Compared to CNC which cut away substantial percentages of an original plastic block or sheet, injection molding produces low scrap rates. 
  • Injection Molding is very repeatable: This means the parts produced are very identical in all respects. This is a wonderful benefit when it comes to brand consistency and part reliability in high volume production.
  • Less production time: Injection moulding allows for the production of parts even in large masses in less time. Hence it is the best choice when you require parts in large quantity and, you do not have much time.

But everything has room for improvement, injection moulding, too, has some drawbacks such as:

  • Due to due to design, testing, and tooling requirements, upfront costs may tend to be a bit high.
  • High tooling costs and large required lead times.
  • As tools are generally  made of metal or steel, it might be difficult to make changes
  • Due to the size limitation of injection mold machines  and mold tools, sometimes it is difficult to produce large parts

Things to consider before going for injection moulding 

Along with several incredible benefits of injection moulding there are also some slight disadvantages. So before you go and hire plastic injection moulding services, there are some considerations that you should make.

  • Entry cost: preparing a product for plastic injection moulding manufacturing will require a relatively large chunk of money. Keep this in mind as you go for plastic injection moulding services.
  • Production quantity: You can reduce the cost. All you need to do is to determine the number of parts at which injection moulding becomes most money shaving.
  • Consider the costs of design, testing, production, assembly, marketing, and distribution as well as the expected price point for sales.

You should also give attention to part design, tool design, production time, and assembly aspects such as how to make the design that requires less effort for assembly. Hence you can minimize on the labor cost for assembly.

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